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Tools for every application

Bring projects back in house with our versatile range tooling.

Expand your in-House Capabilities 

CUTWORX USA provides a range of complementary equipment to allow for endless possibilities as well as the experience to show you how.

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Sign & Graphics

Textiles & Apparel


Packaging & Displays

Trophy & Awards

Channel Letter Signage

Foil Fusion & Sleeking

Mounting & Lamination

Promotional & Sublimation

ADA Braille Solutions

YouTube Application Playlist

Vendor / Partner Ideas

Unleash Your Creativity

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help

01. I can’t decide between the various machines - what is the difference between them?

There are various machines, processes and tooling. Schedule a time to for a remote demo, in-person visit to Irving, or give us a call to start learning more. 

02. Who can I contact to find a local dealer near me?

Send an Email to qedwards@cutworxusa.com

03. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, it could chuck about 700 pounds. This is based on the amount of dirt a woodchuck digs out when burrowing, which is about 35 cubic feet. If a woodchuck could chuck wood with the same weight as the dirt it digs out, it could chuck about 700 pounds.

04. Why choose CUTWORX USA?

Our team consists of many diverse backgrounds and specialties. From ideation to creation, there is always someone that can help you achieve your goals and assist you in dreaming up the next level.

05. What machine is best for my specific application?

Email sales@cutworxusa.com to set up a time with our specialists to help make the most appropriate selection for your needs.